The Best Organic Baby Formula

Organic baby formula is a healthier choice than conventional baby formula. If you are looking for baby formula, organic is the way to go. It can be more expensive, but it is worth it for your child’s health.

Though breastmilk is the best for babies, many valid reasons why a mom might need to use baby formula. So let’s acknowledge that.

For example, if you have to go on medication and can’t nurse as expected, you might have postpartum depression. If you’re not producing enough milk, you might need to supplement with formula.

Maybe you’re looking for a backup formula for your baby if breastfeeding doesn’t work out. This can be helpful if you are committed to breastfeeding but find it difficult to breastfeed or produce enough milk. Seeing a lactation consultant can be really helpful in these early days of nursing.

You may have to test a few different types of baby formula before finding the right one for your child. But it’s important to choose a healthy option. The organic baby formulas listed here are made with healthier ingredients, making them a better choice for your baby.

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Loulouka Baby Formula
Holle Organic Baby Formula
Kendamil Organic Baby Formula
Bobbie Infant Formula

How Do You Select the Most Appropriate Organic Baby Formula For Your Child?

When choosing the best organic baby formula, there are many things to think about! Let’s go over the details!

There is no perfect baby formula, organic or not. Breast milk is better than any other kind of formula. If you can, breastfeed your baby at least once a day. It will be beneficial to their health and well-being.

Organic baby formulas usually have better ingredients than traditional baby formulas. European baby formulas are also made with higher standards than most American formulas, so some parents choose to order a formula from Europe.

Suppose you are going to give your baby formula. In that case, it is important to choose an organic infant formula that is affordable for you.

What your baby consumes impacts their health and well-being. Traditional formulas from companies like Enfamil, Gerber, and Similac contain harmful ingredients like corn syrup, maltodextrin, and GMOs. Even the best organic formulas contain toxic substances that are bad for a baby’s digestive tract as it develops. As a result, please choose your baby’s formula carefully.

Ingredients to Avoid in Conventional Baby Formula

The following are some of the harmful substances that should not be in baby formula (but are):

  • Carrageenan is a type of seaweed (a potential carcinogen prohibited in the E.U.)
  • Brown rice syrup and other sweeteners
  • Corn syrup is a sweetener made from corn
  • Maltodextrin
  • Oil from the palm of the hand (which is difficult on the digestive system)
  • Hexane-extracted synthetic DHA and ARA
  • Preservatives made from synthetic materials
  • Nutrients synthesized
  • Organisms that have been genetically modified (GMOs)

When you look at the ingredients list on any traditional brand of formula, you’ll find a lot of undesirable ingredients.

Baby Formula Options: What Can You Give Your Baby?

If breastfeeding isn’t possible, you might want to try using organic baby formula. There are some safer brands available that you can afford.

Your options for baby formula are limited to the following:

  • Cow’s milk formula: Many babies are intolerant to milk proteins, which can cause gas and fussiness. The dairy-based formula is the most common type of formula given to babies. Still, there are several organic cow’s milk formulas on the market today that you can choose from.
  • Goat-milk formula: While dairy products can induce inflammation, goat’s milk is less allergic and easier to digest. Formulas made from goat’s milk are a wonderful substitute for dairy-based formulas. They are, however, generally not suggested for babies who are allergic to dairy. Babies with a “sensitivity” to cow’s milk proteins may be fine.
  • Soy-based formula: Soy-based formula is an alternative to cow’s milk. However, unless your soy-based formula is organic, it likely contains GMO soy.
  • Hypoallergenic baby formula: is for babies with milk and/or soy-protein allergies. It contains highly broken down milk proteins which are easier for babies to tolerate.
  • Homemade baby formula: Making your own infant formula is another alternative. You can use the Weston A Price Foundation’s recipe or Mt. Capra’s. However, before preparing your own formula, consult with your pediatrician.

The 9 Best Organic Baby Formulas

When it comes to purchasing baby formula, there is no perfect solution. But here are some of the best organic baby formulas on the market. Please read over this list carefully, assess the advantages and disadvantages, and decide which option is best.

Here are some of the finest organic baby formula options available today:

Loulouka is a Swiss-made baby formula that is one of the best organic baby formulas. Loulouka’s newborn formula is created with organic full-fat cow’s milk and other important nutrients for your baby’s growth.

Loulouka is unique because it uses coconut oil instead of palm oil and doesn’t contain soy. Switzerland has high-quality organic foods, and they have strict regulations. This means that the process from the farm to the warehouse is inspected and regulated, so you can be sure that this formula is clean and provides optimal nutrition for your little one.

Holle is a European brand of organic baby formula popular among moms. Some say their baby’s colic symptoms improved when switching from an American formula to Holle. This is one of the best quality organic baby formulas available.

Kendamil is another organic baby formula that is made in the U.K. The milk used to make Kendamil comes from cows grazing on local pastures. The baby formula is made under British and European regulations, containing no GMOs, pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics.

Kendamil gets its Omega-3 DHA from plant-based marine algae. Kendamil might be good for babies with fish or shellfish allergies.

Another fantastic organic infant formula brand to consider is Lebenswert. This brand is free of maltodextrin and starches. Vegetable oils such as palm oil, rapeseed oil (canola), and sunflower oil are still present. Lebenswert is gluten-free and meets Bioland’s organic criteria.

5. Lebenswert Organic Baby Formula

Suppose you are looking for an organic baby formula that does not contain maltodextrin or starches. In that case, Lebenswert is a great option. However, it still contains vegetable oils, such as palm oil, rapeseed oil (canola), and sunflower oil. It is also gluten-free and certified organic to Bioland standards.

6. HiPP Organic Baby Formula

HiPP is a high-quality European brand of organic baby formula. Gluten, maltodextrin, and soy lecithin are not present. HiPP makes organic infant formula in three separate variants for the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands. Some, for instance, include probiotics and carbohydrates, while others do not. The Dutch version is packaged in a can and has a longer shelf life than the others packaged in a box. HiPP also manufactures formulas for babies that are free of allergies.

If you are looking for American-made organic baby formula, consider Baby’s Only. This is a good choice because it is easily accessible and does not contain palm oil or hexane-extracted DHA/ARA. If you get the version that contains DHA, you can feel comfortable knowing that it is safely extracted from egg yolks.

Some families use Baby’s Only formula when their baby is born. Check with your pediatrician to ensure the formula has all the necessary nutrients for your baby.

Happy Baby is a good choice for American baby formula because it is easily accessible and certified organic. It also contains probiotics and a prebiotic, which some families really love.

Holle also makes an organic goat milk formula for babies with 99% organic ingredients certified to European standards. This formula does not have soy, artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Please note that it does contain maltodextrin.

A Guide for Organic Baby Formula

Finding the correct infant formula for your child might be difficult. Of course, you want to get the greatest possible quality for your child. You most likely pay great attention to the ingredients and opt for organic products.

Every parent is on the lookout for the ideal organic baby formula for their child. This page serves as a guide and contains some suggestions.

Of course, your choice of milk formula should always be based on your baby’s specific nutritional needs, your personal tastes, and the advice of a pediatrician.

What is the Difference Between Organic and Regular Formula

Organic milk formula is defined as a formula that contains exclusively organic ingredients:

  • GMO-free
  • There are no hormones or steroids in this product.
  • Animals consume a 100 percent organic diet free of synthetic ingredients. They are only given small doses of antibiotics for their health.
  • There are no preservatives or synthesizers in this recipe.
  • Organic formulations contain at least 95% natural and healthful ingredients.

All fully organic infant formulas must be certified. The concept of organismic certification is determined by the producer’s country’s state rules.

The European Commission certifies European products. The USDA NOP seal of approval is used to certify products in the United States.

The accreditation on the package attests to this, as it ensures the organic quality of the products.

Organic Farming Standards for Baby Formula

Inaccessibility of potentially dangerous agricultural residues, including pesticides, GMOs, and hormones. You may rest assured that the formula you give your baby is free of dangerous elements that could enter the product due to the agricultural process.

Aside from that, no artificial colors, conservatives, flavors, or taste enhancements will be used in the production. Components should be kept close to their natural state, given the large quantity of strongly processed additives.

Demeter and Bioland are two examples of European biological certificates that go above the EU biological standard and are considered some of the most difficult in the world. They are adamant about biodynamic agriculture, which entails self-sufficient farming practices (for example, food and fertilizer are made from personal production). Their stereotypes go beyond a traditional biological certificate, including animal welfare and sustainable development criteria.

HiPP, a German organic infant food manufacturer, has added an additional organic label to its milk formulas. They stand by going above and above traditional organic standards, aiming for even lower pesticide residues than needed by law and doing a thorough quality check at a high technological level.

Organic Formula Guide

The choice of organic baby formula depends on many factors. Formulas are divided according to different characteristics. Pediatricians recommend not making a decision independently and obtaining advice from a specialist. He’ll consider the peculiarities of your baby’s body, if any. It’ll tell you how to track the reaction to the formula.

Suppose the mother takes the decision on her own. In that case, she must be able to classify baby formulas and consult ratings of tried and true brands.

Types of European Organic Formula

Different types of infant formulae based on various criteria:

Liquid and powder. There are no unique suggestions for the selection. On the other hand, Powdered versions last longer and are more widely available.

Lactose-based, hypoallergenic, special (HiPP’s Anti-Reflax and Comfort formula), and lactose-free products are available, depending on their intended use. The decision is based on the physical qualities of the newborn.

As a result, a doctor’s advice is required before using a lactose-free or hypoallergenic formula.

Regurgitation, colic, and dysbacteriosis can all be treated with sour milk. In severe allergic response, your infant will benefit from a hypoallergenic supplement. If you have lactose intolerance, the lactose-free formula is shown.

A significant difference in the mixes by age. The finest infant formulae are those that are divided into stages. Each stage of the formula has its own distinct and well-balanced makeup. Giving a newborn baby formula labeled for children beyond one year, for example, is not recommended. They have an excessive amount of non-adapted protein.

Feeding on Cow’s Milk

The majority of organic baby formula, including beta-lactoglobulin, is manufactured from cow’s milk. When the formula enters the child’s stomach, it has a curd-like consistency. It is only then that it begins to be digested by the stomach juice.

Enterocytes are given energy by fatty acids found in dairy products (intestinal cells). The cells regenerate quickly as a result of this. Cow’s milk contains a variety of microelements that aid in iron absorption.

Feeding on Goat’s Milk

Goat’s milk baby formula is designed for babies with a cow’s milk allergy or soy intolerance. Goat’s milk is high in protein and fatty acids quickly absorbed. As a result, milk produces adaptable nutrition that is free of allergens. This infant formula is suitable for practically all children.

Soy-based Formulas

Soy-based products are not advised for ingestion by children in most countries. As a result, the problems of such cuisine, unfortunately, outweigh the benefits:

  • Plant protein is extremely nutrient-dense, and its nutritional value is comparable to that of animal protein. However, the lack of essential amino acids overshadows this fact. Animal protein is the only source of a complete set of vital nutrients. If a child is allergic to cow’s milk, goat’s milk will be substituted. A soy baby formula is recommended if a reaction to this product is identified. Assume that the indicators of animal protein sensitivity vanish during a soy-based diet. It is preferable to return to conventional infant formula in this scenario.
  • The fact that the protein comes from a plant does not guarantee it is hypoallergenic. Therefore a child could have an allergic reaction to it as well.
  • Because of poor absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, the protein level is 1.5 times higher than in a typical diet. This forces producers to raise the number of micronutrients in their products, such as iron, zinc, and calcium.
  • The mixture’s adaption is sped up because it isn’t divided into months.
  • An excessive amount of manganese in a child’s diet might lead to hyperactivity.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics are in short supply. They are in charge of the entire gastrointestinal tract’s healthy functioning.

Soy formula is a dairy-free, therapeutically modified diet for babies in their first year. They should not be given to “healthy” children who are lactose and milk protein intolerant.

Only a pediatrician can prescribe the lactose-free and soy-free formula after a laboratory test of the kid. This formula should be given to children who have the following conditions:

  • a goat or cow’s milk allergy and congenital, transient, or acquired lactase insufficiency.
  • abnormalities of galactose metabolism (galactosemia)
  • Due to phytoestrogens in the mixtures, they may cause viral diarrhea (isoflavones).

Specialty Baby Formulas

Hypoallergenic Children’s Food

Hypoallergenic baby formulas and their composition:

  • Goat milk base;
  • Based on soy;
  • Based on protein hydrolyzate.

Combiotic HiPP HA is a novel family of hypoallergenic breast milk substitutes based on hydrolyzed (split) protein.

  • Lactic acid bacteria l.fermentum probiotic cultures were isolated from breast milk.
  • Natural prebiotics is important dietary fibers. GOS is an acronym for “Government of the (galacto-oligosaccharides from lactose)
  • Fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6

It has been clinically established that combining hydrolyzed protein with a probiotic and prebiotic complex:

  • Allergic reactions are less likely.
  • Enhances the body’s natural immune system
  • Promotes a healthy microbiota in the intestines

Because of the breakdown of proteins, HiPP HA and HiPP special milk do not have an organic label, making them an even more digestible formula. Still, you can ensure that all of HiPP’s special milk comes in traditional HiPP quality!

Hypoallergenic formulations aren’t available everywhere. If one youngster is fine with drinking goat’s milk, the other may experience an allergic reaction; everything is unique to each child. First and foremost, visit your pediatrician when selecting a formula for your child!

Anti Reflux Formula

What is the purpose of these baby formulas, and what does it contain? When ingested, Antireflux is a milk product that minimizes regurgitation. This product has an extremely thick consistency. Even so, the formula can thicken the stomach of the newborn. Carob gum, a natural dietary fiber, is used as a thickening. The stomach’s acidic environment causes the fiber to swell, making the contents bulkier. Carob bean gum has a penetrating effect that helps young children ease constipation.

This infant formula is sometimes prescribed to treat a child’s persistent problems.

Comfort Formula

Comfort dry baby formulae aid with digestive issues while still meeting all of a baby’s nutritional requirements for healthy growth and development. Digestive issues are extremely prevalent during the initial days and months of a baby’s existence. During this period, the gastrointestinal tract does not work well; there is often bloating, colic, and a tendency to constipation. All this is accompanied by the bitter crying of the baby and the anxiety of the whole family.

This is where the organic baby formula comes in handy with its many benefits:

  • When breast milk is insufficient or unavailable, food for babies prone to bloating, colic, and constipation are used.
  • Contains protein that has been hydrolyzed to a considerably greater extent, making it much more easily absorbed by the baby.
  • Probiotic cultures of L. fermentum bacteria, found in breast milk, help create the baby’s normal intestinal microbiota and assist in healthy digestion.
  • Prebiotics are nutritional components found in breast milk that aid in the formation of probiotics and the development of one’s own intestinal microbiota.
  • LCP, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and taurine are all important for a baby’s brain and visual development.
  • Because some youngsters with digestive issues have a hard time digesting lactose, it has a lower lactose concentration.

Best Organic Baby Formula: It’s About Ingredients

Breast milk is a universal source of all nutrients for newborns. It is high in vitamins and minerals. When selecting an organic baby formula for your child, the first thing to consider is the product’s content.

Proteins, lipids, carbs, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals must be included in baby formula and are critical for an infant’s health.

Consider some of the elements that should be included in infant formula.

Casein and Whey Protein

Casein and whey protein are the primary ingredients in goat or cow milk. They are, in reality, the foundation of the child’s body and act as a catalyst for a variety of biochemical processes. Furthermore, baby formula for infants under six months comprises mostly whey proteins, while baby food for children older than six months contains casein.

Taurine is the name given to a free amino acid required for body growth, proper development of the child’s central nervous system, and good vision.

Lactose (milk sugar) This chemical is critical for nourishing children under one year. Lactose, in fact, aids in the faster absorption of iron and calcium by youngsters, both of which are essential for a child’s whole life and growth. It also promotes nutrition, offers energy to the child’s body, and produces favorable conditions for the formation of healthy microflora.

Dextrin Maltose is a carbohydrate found in nature that encourages the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestines.

Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid for developing the human brain and eye cells. It can be found in the composition of sunflower, coconut, soy, and corn oils in everyday items.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotic fibers These compounds govern the entire herbal system. When combined with probiotics, it encourages the formation of healthy microflora in the body. It boosts the immune system’s defensive properties.

Probiotics are now included in almost every manufacturer’s baby formula. These are microorganisms that boost the defensive characteristics of the child’s body by stimulating the growth and reproduction of the healthy gut microflora.

In addition, zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, and selenium are included in the infant formula’s composition – minerals essential for a child’s normal development.

Depending on the child’s age, the bag’s composition can be supplemented with vitamins and trace elements. It’s worth noting that the concentration of these nutrients in baby formula is significantly higher than in breast milk because formulae are poorly absorbed.

Ingredients to Avoid in Organic Baby Formula

So, we’ve worked out what organic baby formula milk is made of. Let’s look at some of the elements to avoid when selecting a formula.

Sugar in Baby Formula

Sugar is a product that can be extremely harmful to little children. This product has been discovered to cause a shortage in B vitamins in children, which are necessary for their systems’ appropriate digestion and assimilation of carbohydrate-containing foods. Furthermore, sugar alters the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in children’s blood, increasing the concentration of one and decreasing the content of the other.

Due to this illness, calcium is not absorbed in the needed amount by the body; the microelement is expelled in the urine or forms deposits in the bone tissues. Impaired calcium absorption can cause rickets in children and harm the growth of teeth and bone tissue in general. It is critical to choose sugar-free children’s combinations, purees, and porridges or products that contain sugar replacements.


There have been debates over the benefits and drawbacks of soy in baby formula for a long time. But, regardless of the “for” and “against” arguments, one thing is certain: genetically engineered soy should not be present in children’s diets!

You can play around with your health all you want, but it’s not worth jeopardizing future generations! On the other hand, natural soy should not be fed to healthy youngsters because it is therapeutic nutrition. It should only be prescribed to the child by a doctor who is also a pediatrician.

Palm Oil

Unfortunately, palm oil is commonly utilized in manufacturing children’s foods because of palmitic acid in mothers’ milk. Simultaneously, the palmitic acid in breast milk is structurally distinct from the palm oil molecule. This acid present in palm oil enters the infant’s intestines and forms a bind with the calcium. Making the soap insoluble is harmful to the baby’s health since it results in colic and constipation.

We recommend paying close attention to the ingredients list and seeking out palm oil-free formulations for children. If you wish to avoid problems with poisoning or your child’s health, follow these guidelines.


Of course, many mothers are aware that gluten must not be included in their children’s food. What’s the deal with this plant protein found in most cereal grains? In the body of some youngsters, this chemical is inadequately broken down, which can lead to the development of diseases like “celiac illness” (gluten heteropathy). Gluten is an “insidious” substance that stops several helpful compounds from being absorbed.


Gliadin is a protein found in grain shells that causes intestinal villous necrosis. These villi are essential for absorbing nutrients into the body; indeed, they are responsible for our bodies’ sustenance. I don’t think we need to go over the dangers of a child’s body deficient in nutrition. Your baby’s body will become “indifferent” to the effects of gliadin over time.


Phytin is a waste product that interferes with the absorption of calcium, salt, and vitamin D. The problem is that phytin contains phosphorus. Which acts as a bridge between the calcium salts, inhibiting their absorption.


Let’s go over the basic guidelines for selecting organic infant formula:

  • The newborn baby is only given a modified formula;
  • The baby’s meal is chosen based on their age.
  • Health issues and food digestion issues will need the use of a medicinal formula.
  • Choose vitamin and mineral-rich meals free of palm and rapeseed oil if feasible.
  • When purchasing, consider the product’s shelf life and the package’s integrity.

Read more: Guide To Organic Baby Formula

Frequently Asked Questions About Organic Baby Formula

What Is the Difference Between Organic and Regular Formulas?

Organic baby formula is made from cow’s milk or soy. The only difference between organic and non-organic baby formula is that the milk or soy used in organic baby formula is free of hormones, chemicals, and pesticides.

Is Similac Closest to Breast Milk?

Similac Pro-Advance is a complete formula for a baby’s first year that helps support the immune system. It is made with 2′-FL HMO prebiotic to help keep your baby healthy. When you choose Similac, you can be confident in the formula you’re providing your child.

Is Enfamil Better Than Similac?

Vitamins C, B12, E, and K are higher in Enfamil than in other brands. Enfamil has more choline, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and inositol than other products. Other brands have less thiamin, vitamin D, riboflavin, niacin, and biotin than Similac.

Should I Buy Organic Formula?

Organic infant formulas are better than regular (non-organic) formulas because they are free from pesticide residue, chemical fertilizers, and hormones. However, other factors to consider when picking a formula, such as a formula’s composition.

Is Similac Organic Formula Safe?

Similac Organic with Iron is a baby formula many people trust because it is the number one baby formula brand used in hospitals.

What Formula Is Like Hipp Organic?

Like HiPP and Holle brands, some U.S. brands are Baby’s Only Organic Dairy, made by Nature’s One. This USDA Organic toddler formula is free from corn syrup and GMO ingredients. However, it does contain brown rice syrup and soy oil.

Which Baby Formula Is Easiest to Digest?

Gerber Good Start GentlePro is one of our top infant formulas because it lacks protein and contains important vitamins and minerals. It also has added DHA and A.A., which may support brain health.

Is Organic Baby Milk Better?

There is not a lot of research to say that organic milk is better for your baby than non-organic milk. However, organic milk tends to contain more omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to be beneficial for your baby’s brain development.

How Many Times a Day Should 3 Months Eat?

Babies aged 3 months old will need to be fed every three to four hours. Keep an eye out for hunger indicators if you’re not sure. This includes licking lips, sticking out tongues, opening their mouth repeatedly, sucking on things, or touching their hands to their mouths.

What Happened to Similac Organic?

Maltodextrin and sucrose were removed from Similac Organic products in 2020. Lactose was used to replace these components. The main carbohydrate is lactose, which is also found in breast milk.

Is the Hipp Formula Organic?

Almost all HiPP formulas are organic, except for the HiPP HA, AR, and Comfort varieties. These formulas have special ingredients that are not available in an organic form. However, all other ingredients in these formulas are organic.

Is Nature’s One Formula Safe for Infants?

Nature’s one knows that breast milk is the best source of nutrition for a baby. Their Baby’s Only Organic formula is not for babies younger than 1-year-old unless a healthcare professional says it’s okay.

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